WinAeroGlass: Freeware to enable Aero glass in Windows 8

Posted January 18, 2013-12: 38 pm in: freeware computer users who have upgraded from Windows Vista and Windows 7 to Windows 8 probably aware of the fact that Aero glass transparency isn't available in the newest version of Windows operating system. Aero glass, a feature introduced with Windows Vista, which dropped from Windows 8 to improve overall Windows performance and power efficiency.

While it's possible to enable Aero glass in Windows 8 without installing third-party visual styles and tools, the result is buggy. However, one can install a third-party Aero glass theme in Windows 8 to get the missing feature. Users who would like to enable the Aero without installing third-party visual styles can now download and run a tiny tool named WinAeroGlass.

Our friend at WinAero has released a free tool named WinAeroGlass to enable Aero glass in Windows 8 this free tool aims to bring Aero glass transparency to the latest version of Windows. Enabling Aero with WinAeroGlass is a cakewalk. Download and run the tool to enable the Aero glass. And the good thing is that it doesn't even ask you to restart or log off.
It's important to note that the current version of the tool has no user interface. So you won't see anything on the screen when you run this program.

The developer of the program is working hard to enable the blur effect and the feature will be available in future releases.

To revert to the original Windows 8 visual style, right click on desktop, click personalize to open Personalization window, and then click on one of the default Windows themes.
Please note that WinAeroGlass is currently in pre beta stage and you might encounter issues while running the tool. We suggest you create a manual system restore point before running the tool.
Download WinAeroGlass

Download WinAeroGlass
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